The World Is Swell. And How!

Fatty Gay

Monday, March 23, 2009 | |

via Big Screen Little Screen comes the gem Tenenbaum Fail. Dressing up like the Tenenbaums is the most white folks shit ever. So precious. SO upper-middle class. Bottle Rocket was on cable the other night and I couldn't get through ten minutes. I liked that movie once. All his shit bores my cock off now. BSLS also mentions usual suspect fatigue and I'm terribly afraid I will be forced to reevaluate and dismiss the Vanity Fair Comedy All-Stars after a couple more years of analyzing with Judd and the crew the angst of transition. Then again I am still in love with the State and Stella folks and they've made a piece of shit or two that I forgive. Maybe the lesson is if you can grow out of something it wasn't that great to begin with. Sounds like a lesson from the same canon I'm afraid of losing my affection for. Aaaaand... I've just gone cross-eyed.


elijahtheprophet said...

Now what happens when you like Wes Anderson again? I'd have to agree that Bottle Rocket is a bit boring to me these days, but I don't think it's cuz it was never good to begin with. Tenenbaums is still one of my faves tho dressing up as anything short of Bill Murray's Lab Rat Boy is the Tendy-est.