The World Is Swell. And How!

The Shut The Fuck Up Department

Thursday, August 21, 2008 | |

Shut the fuck up Jacques Rogge. This piece from the Times Online says it better than I can, but basically IOC President Rogge is projecting an image onto Usain Bolt that is utterly inaccurate for the sake of, I don't know, being as relevant as the atheletes in the games...?

I've heard similar criticism of Bolt's showmanship in his 100m victory from people that can't reconcile his victory celebration with the idea that he is gracious, magnanimous and humble. I like that in Rogge's mind it's better to be a cocksucker who remembers to shake hands in a fake display of sportsmanship than to be a good man like Bolt who knows how to put on a show and got too wrapped up in a big moment to remember the empty, purely symbolic gesture.

Thanks Munair for sending me this.

Although now I'm all riled up without the time to really write about this. ARGH!!!!


munair said...

Thanks for putting this up on your blog. It really concerns me. I just hope Bolt doesn't hear about it. I don't want anything to affect his performance tonight.


npd said...

Your boy shoved the baton right up Rogge's bati hole!!!!!