The World Is Swell. And How!

Israeli Chicks With Guns

Monday, August 25, 2008 | |

Now I know I'm completely missing the point of this photo essay, and I might have to assuage my guilt by sending it to my Grammy Rachel with some note about how her generation made this possible, but if these girls don't induce priapism in you, well, your penis is dead inside. Gib a kick.

I haven't been to temple since my bar mitzvah, unless you count the memorial for Babu (my kickass granddad) but between these pics and the Israeli girl (a veteran) who dances at Fantasy Island, I might need to practice making gutteral ch sounds and reading right to left.

For gezintah hait, fuckers!


girl with green eyes said...

girls love guys who like butch girls 'cause it gives us more room to manuover